My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Hues of Hope poetry collection was a pleasant surprise in a world that currently seems so full of doom and gloom for so many people. It is a salutary gathering together of one person’s poems, such that they reflect the many different tints and tones of the colours that life can throw at you throughout your own existence. And at all times Balroop Singh is able to link her words to a common theme, one of the hope to be found within one’s own heart. Despair and anguish become subdued and even defeated by the things she so ably describes and reminds us of.
It was hard to pick out my favourite poems from such a large number, but as I am particularly fond of verse that explores and celebrates anything about the natural world I will say that there are two that touched me: ‘Dawn Whispers’ and ‘Finding Peace’ had all of the gentle elements and words I was looking for. A couple of verses from each poem may help to explain that:
Dawn Whispers:
Until the sun starts its journey
And the day reminds us:
It’s the symphony of surroundings
That whispers life into us.
Finding Peace:
Shining in our own characters
Away from ear-shattering sounds,
We soar away from strife and animosity
Earthly identities seem insignificant.
I know that I’m not alone in finding the seemingly endless news, whether TV, radio or online, so full of sadness and futile desperation. And it was quite refreshing to find someone like Balroop Singh who is able to bring some hopefulness to everyone who reads her poems. There was a general direction in the way the poems were arranged, following from the expectations of youth through to the resignation of older age.
This collection is not to be missed. My only criticism would be that there is perhaps too much to take in such a single ‘wholesome meal’ because after reading about 25 plus poems, I thought, ‘OK! I’ve got the message!’ Such a dietary collection needs to be spread over a longer time. But maybe that’s just me?
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