Have You Got Time on your Hands? Make a Hedgehog House!
If you have got time on your hands in this ‘splendid self-isolation’ why not use up some of that spare time and spare plywood etc, to make a desirable residence for the local hedgehogs?
It will certainly use up quite a few hours, even a couple of days, and come Autumn it will be much appreciated by the local hedgehogs. When I did this in my garden a couple of years ago we had 3 hedgehogs visiting the patio the following Spring! On inspection we saw they had added a lot of leaves from around the garden to the few we had put in to start them off. It was sited well away from the house and behind the shed.
Main things to note are: 1. Do not look in when they may be hibernating inside. 2. Do not use wood preservative on it as the smell will put them off going near it.
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