Click on the pictures for a link to my book about saving Hedgehogs, Wildlife and the environment.
OK, the squirrel and his/her two mates/friends - whatever! - went to the special squirrel peanut box and went inside, emptied it several times, then visited the various bird feeders again later! We bought a large cage thing that covers the birds' ground feeder and is supposed to keep out squirrels. The two skinny young squirrels can still get inside and visit it every day to steal the bird food, though the adult squirrel is too big. But all of them still hang on the peanut feeder intended for birds and scare away any interested nearby birds! Apparently if you "catch" a grey squirrel you are not allowed, legally, to dispose of it to a new location. You're supposed to "dispatch" it. ie kill it. But we cannot do that, plus we read of a local man who tried to shoot a squirrel he trapped, made a "mess" of things and got sued, or taken to court for "cruelty to animals"! We have gone right off grey squirrels - especially since they also got into the loft and chewed up the insulation and made a mess in there. We love the red squirrel but have to go to Scotland to see them: now they really are cute!
Cathy sent me this U-tube video of someone else's solution to the squirrel thief problem! Much more amusing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9-rE5RBZvU