My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The Letters is a well written crime thriller with strong characters, in particular the main protagonist, a female detective called Brodie Barrett. It followed a fairly typical pattern of having several characters who were under suspicion of committing a murder, though most of the suspects were known to Barrett. I found the twist near the end of the book interesting and was not expecting that at all, and the author’s scene setting was quite intriguing at times.
The story has good pace and quite good dialogue. Some of the reactions of certain characters seemed unrealistic, such as the scene in the morgue and, although Brodie is often speaking about protecting her little girl, there is no mention of protecting her from a stalker who is threatening her.
There were many occasions in the novel when I would have welcomed more description of the surroundings, time of day, weather etc, as well as of the characters to add more “colour” to the event that was happening. Unfortunately, I did not find myself rooting for any of the characters but thought that Walker was probably the most intriguing – at least to this reader. Another glance at the text from a copy editor would be helpful for a number of typos, missing words, and errors that jumped out. It is a page-turner and I am sure would appeal to fans of the murder mystery genre.
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