J C Wing is the author of two books that I have read and enjoyed immensely: The Color of Thunder and Alabama Skye. She always seems to have several projects on the go and is particularly interested in researching history, ancient and modern. Jennifer is a sensitive and empathetic person whose descriptive writing reflects those feelings with an obvious talent. Her preference for home-schooling her own children was interesting to me as a retired teacher, and I found her positive comments about my own book had a special significance to me.
Her bio: J.C. is a Colorado native but has been fortunate enough to be able to live in both North Carolina as well as southwest Germany. In 2012, she published her first novel, The Color of Thunder, and Alabama Skye was released in June, 2014. Later this year the first book of a new series called The Goddess of Tornado Alley will be published under the pen name Leigh Scott, and in 2015, J.C. will be releasing a historical fiction novel called Red Beard and the Ravens based on the lives of the German emperor Frederick Barbarossa and his family. You can visit J C Wing’s blog by clicking here.
ABOUT G J Griffiths: A writer of wrongs (WoW)
GJG grew up in the Midlands, in the UK. He went to a boy's grammar school in the nineteen fifties and sixties and later spent several years in photographic retail and distribution. After graduating as a mature student in Physics and Chemistry GJG became a Science and Technology teacher, for two decades, in various comprehensive schools. He has always enjoyed reading a wide range of literature, both fiction and non-fiction, and has written poetry and stories, and occasionally scripts, for many years. Other hobbies include walking in the English and Welsh countryside, bird-watching and in recent years the delights of being a grandad have appeared in his schedule of pastimes.
He/I was asked to answer four questions, which were:
1) What am I working on?
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
3) How does my writing process work? and the hardest question of all,
4) Why do I write what I do?
When I stop to think about this question I believe it is because, like most writers, I am conceited enough to think that my opinions and observations about people and events may be interesting enough to write about in a book; interesting enough for others to read and enjoy, or to hate; interesting enough even for my readers to consider and form their own opinion about something that may not have occurred to them previously. So my topics may be about children and bullying, children in search of heroes, wildlife and its disappearing environment, regrets and injustices that may affect us at all levels. Finding subjects to write about is relatively easy but transcribing it onto the printed page so that it grabs a reader’s attention is the hard part – and has to be worked at as often as possible. If only skill and talent could meet and meld with graft and enthusiasm sometimes. Oh well - back to the pen/wordprocessor and blank page...
Now, I'd like to introduce you to two more authors, both of whom can be found on Goodreads:
https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7824929.Angela_Burkhead and https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7243288.Khalid_Muhammad
First up is Angela Burkhead, whose Young Adult novel, Sticks n’ Stones, has attracted much acclaim. It is a sensitive tale of bullying and with which I can see connections in my own So What! Stories novel. Here is her bio and the link to her blog:
Short Bio: Angela Burkhead is the author of young adult novels such as Sticks n' Stones and the Garden of Phea now available on Amazon. She currently resides in Hubert, NC and spends most of her time procrastinating and daydreaming about finishing her next book.
Click to visit Angela here
And an author I’ve read and enjoyed, Khalid Muhammad, who seems to spend much of his time travelling between the US and Pakistan promoting his novel, Agency Rules. Not an easy exercise at times while there are the kind of terrorist problems of which he writes! In his recent email two quotes: “Sorry… I was stuck because of the situation in Pakistan,” and “Things are crazy in Pakistan right now”.
Short bio: Khalid Muhammad recently published his debut novel, Agency Rules – Never an Easy Day at the Office, a spy thriller based in Pakistan, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iTunes. In his professional life, he owns and manages the emagine group, a marketing services company that specializes in digital and social media marketing. Find out more about him at Facebook or @AgencyRulesPK.
Click to visit Khalid here
I highly recommend both of these authors. If you have the time, please check them out. They are both definitely worth a read.