My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This story, aimed at children around 8 to 12 years old in my opinion, starts out interestingly enough with a fairly typical scene about school bullying. Konrad is the bully’s target and the reader is encouraged to feel that they can predict where the story might go and maybe end, that is, with a scene where the bully gets what’s coming to him. However, you have to be prepared for a bumpier ride than that. While Konrad is waiting outside the principal’s office, half-expecting some kind of sanction for “tardiness”, the tale suddenly takes on a surreal twist. There follows a number of twists and turns which will certainly hold the attention of many readers – whatever their age! It did with this grandparent and I will look forward to hearing the opinion of three kids I know when they read “Konrad and the Birthday Painting”!
It is very well written and confidently assumes the viewpoint of the eight year old Konrad. His confusion and fears about various events are reflected well through the author’s skilful writing with believable conversations and dialogue throughout the book. When Konrad has to make a crucial decision through his simple and innocent comprehension of the world about him we can perfectly understand his naïve logic. Well done, Sandra R. Andersson! My only criticism would be that a few illustrations could greatly help the younger readers enjoyment and understanding of the book.
I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest and objective review.
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