My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was a fascinating and at times a difficult read. Fascinating of course because of all the real-life events, efforts made to gather code machines and code files, and the endless work required by so many people of all abilities during WW2. It was difficult to read about the heroes at sea, lives lost, by Naval and Merchant vessels, due the constant and significant threat from German U-boats, without deep sadness. I also had difficulty getting my head around some of the technicalities involved in the operation and deciphering of the Enigma machines. Often I had to stop reading due to the exhaustion of trying to understand what I had just read.
Despite all of these difficulties I was left with feelings of tremendous admiration and wonder. The incredible dedication required by so many clever code-crackers, who had often been plucked from relatively "ordinary" lives and jobs, left me numb with amazement and, I suppose, a sort of belated gratitude for their contribution to ending the War earlier than seemed likely in 1943.
Highly recommended.
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