My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I found How to Make Money Blogging to be a very useful and well-written guide about blogging in general, and using it to provide an income in particular. The introduction was perhaps a little too long when the author wrote about her own experiences and feelings before and during the process of setting up her blog. Although it made some of the text feel more personal and friendly, especially for those totally new to the concepts covered, Keesha Metcalfe did tend to repeat herself a few times. However, her powers of communication are very good, combining humour, enthusiasm and information in equal measure and she is to be commended for this.
There is a very helpful glossary written in an easily accessible way and compared to a couple of other blog guides I have read it covers much more useful ground with its excellent explanations. I was provided with a mobi copy and then a pdf for this review but neither had a “working” Table of Contents or links to the author’s own blog. I would suggest that both are essential in an e-book of this nature, if only to underline and exemplify that the author really is technically proficient with this format in all necessary areas. Perhaps the published edition of How To Make Money Blogging has corrected these deficiencies since they will provide more confidence to its readers. Unfortunately for this spectacle wearer I was unable to make out the details in many of the diagrams/screenshots, even with my eyes an uncomfortable 8 to 12 inches from the screen. Magnifying just made the images more blurred. These latter reservations prevented me from rating Ms Metcalfe’s excellent guide 5stars, so I hope the Kindle edition now available from Amazon includes the suggested improvements!
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