My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This book appears to be about a student, Howie, who is losing his mind and who then proceeds to have a vivid and colourful relationship with Vivian, who has already lost hers. The repeated descriptions of their sexually explicit behaviour detracted and distracted from what could have been a quite interesting plotline. Their first encounter occurs inside the broom cupboard of their psychiatrist’s office premises while they each await their appointments. In itself it was a clever and intriguing beginning to the book and provided an entertaining hook for most readers. The problem was that it would seem to be aimed at the teenage market when almost every page had Vivian mouthing her imaginatively foul expletives and the couple’s erotic sex. Although there did seem to be a certain “meeting of minds”, amazingly and occasionally, between Howie and Vivian, with a metaphorically romantic bonding of the two lovers, I found the whole story disjointed and confusing.
The reader has to suspend their own logical thinking at times to allow various historically evil arch villains into the plot at the behest of Harriman, the man who is determined to exploit Howie and his brain for his own ruthless intentions. Vivian is the most intriguing character and I cared nothing for any of the others and this meant, essentially, I did not care enough about the tale that was being spun. It seemed to be two books confusingly woven into one. The evil-doing plot could appeal to the mature, well-informed, reader but the impressionable teen bits got in the way far too much. In the end I was still not sure whether I was reading a sci-fi or a paranormal novel with items of titillation to keep my attention. It just did not work and I find it hard to think of anyone to whom I would recommend Darrel B. Nelson’s book.
I was given a copy of the novel in exchange for my honest and objective review.
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