My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this book. The blurb to q-cave gives the reader fair warning that it is a sci-fi book which includes “hard science” and that means a fair old dose from time to time of scientific or technical details, and it delivers it in spades. There are also touches of philosophy plus even hints of romance and I found the blend produced by D C Wolf was just about right. The title infers a combination of q for quantum science and cave for primitive isolation and that just about sums up the life that Qualia, the main protagonist, has led up to the start of this thrilling story that will grab the reader after just a few pages. The book cover is amazing and captured my attention and curiosity before page one, something I find very rare these days, and it delivered as well! By that I mean the plot eventually includes enough information for the reader to think, “Oh, yes, I see. I get it!” which is quite satisfying after so many front covers that are just flimsy hooks to try and draw one in or buy the book.
The plot is great, full of concepts that are original, credible and imaginative. The characters all had their own individual personalities with believable conversations between them that kept you up to date with events. Qualia, Maris, Eigen and Morty were my favourites and the elements of humour between the two virtual “beings” made me wonder whether the author had ever done a stint of stand-up comedy! The wonderful dialogue gave an effective balance to the large sections of informative and, to my mind, necessary but interesting narrative. There was great skill and insight shown by Wolf when describing the thought processes and misgivings of Qualia, especially between her and her mother and Eigen, her cyber companion.
There were some editorial issues but none serious enough to spoil my enjoyment of this refreshingly different sci-fi tale – the best I have read for a long while! I am not sure whether there is to be a sequel to q-cave but I was left wanting more and fans of “Scientific” sci-fi will no doubt want to read this book and any that are to follow it in a possible series. Recommended.
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