My rating: 4 of 5 stars
In the TV series we often see Bob fall over and Paul moaning at him about winding in his fishing line. And of course this is not evident in the book unless it is mentioned. However, the fact that the two are very good friends comes across to readers just as well as the visual antics shown on the TV screen. The book has a lot of information about fishing and fish and the wonderful rivers they visit. This was interesting enough not to make it spoil the book for me. I suppose it may inspire some people to take up the hobby but I thought that what comes up best of all is how the pair of funny men love nature and enjoy just the experience of being there together. Having been seriously ill with heart problems in recent times they also tend to joke about ‘sensible’ diets if they want to stay well – even stay alive!
Occasionally the two become a bit philosophical but like the TV programs you are never certain whether it is serious. This is particularly when Bob asks the odd zany question, for example about ‘pocket meat.’ It always appears to be something he just thought of at that moment. The comedy element is never very far away from their conversations. But what is patently obvious is how much they both enjoy the simple experience of sitting beside a beautiful river, surrounded by an environment filled with trees and meadows and bird song. A gentle, relaxing and lovely read, reminiscent of the TV show.
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