My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I enjoyed reading this book with its many and various appropriate, and sometimes surprising, ingredients. There are touches of the Wild West, with threats of danger from the Native Americans and wildlife such as grizzly bears, as well as a sinister and overbearing stranger who claims to be related to the Mitchell family around which the story revolves. Lizzie, the main protagonist in the book, relates the tale and it is well done. All too often one finds lapses in awareness of situations and place by an author when they choose to use the first person narrative in their book – but not here. I grew to like Lizzie and her growth and development as the main character and before long I was rooting for her until the end. The author showed a wonderful skill in building characters and situations so that the elements of mystery thriller and romance, with twists and turns throughout, became both intriguing and believable.
Although the story’s plotline is based around Emmor Kimber’s school in Kimberton Village, Pennsylvania, and set in the early 19th century I forgot most of that and wanted to know about Lizzie and her family. As an educator myself I would have liked to hear much more detail about the system of education operating in a Quaker school in those times, but within the tale and not as an addendum at the end. Every so often I was reminded of the difficulties that challenged settlers in those far-off times when meal times and travelling, using horses or walking, came to the fore. Most children would have been expected to earn their keep with chores on the farm or around the home in the 18th and 19th century, and they would not have had opportunity to attend any type of “formal” school and this came across well in McKee’s writing. Occasionally, there were expressions and idioms used that I felt were too contemporary and therefore out of place and time for this historical fiction. Unfortunately, in addition to those lapses I found a few typo errors (pour vs poor and Harry vs Henry) together with a very annoying error of a mixture of past and present tense in several sentences. These editing lapses prevented me from giving the book 5 stars which essentially it deserves.
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