My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I imagine that this is a guide meant for Christian women, possibly of all ages, though it would probably be beneficial to the younger and more innocent females. I found the standard of literary English used throughout the work very sadly lacking in all areas: punctuation, grammar and syntax. It should be properly proof-read and edited before being offered as a published article if it is meant to be taken seriously by its readers, since the message it contains would appear to be highly instructive and moral to those who have faith and are committed Christians.
It is written by an author who, on the face of things, is full of good intent and aware of the inequality shown to women throughout time. He states his strong belief in the wisdom of following Christianity as a guide to a fulfilled life and one that can assist in overcoming the personal problems we are all likely to encounter. The author has much to say about prayer, duty and accepting the word of God into one's daily life because in that way women will find strength, joy and a sense of purpose. While I received a free digital copy of this e-book in exchange for an impartial review I have to admit to finding the whole tenor of the "guide" somewhat pedagogic to the point of arrogance, since no room seems to have been left for other less religious viewpoints. Indeed, the very title could imply that women who are not "prayerful" may not be full of virtue, surely not the author's intent!
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