My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is the second book I have read by E.K. Frances and just like the other one I was very confused about what was going on from the first few pages. However, since this is narrated by Alex, a teenager; and the author has captured many of the likely nuances, opinions and personality traits of a young man, I found the story more acceptable, and even more quickly accessible.
The horror of the daily situation experienced by the residents of the compound, or should that be imprisoned inmates, quickly reminded me of the Nazi concentration camps I had read about many years ago. It was the kind of unbelievable thing one wishes to wipe from your mind. This story was not quite like that but I hated to read on, compelling though it was. Although the blurb describes the novella as a dystopian story and for young adults, I’m not sure I would like to recommend it to my grandchildren.
Alex lives in the compound with his mother and aunt and we are told that there are armed men in control. Alex and his friends fear the monsters that appear after dark, under the impression that they could be eaten if caught by them. His aim is to escape after a couple of friends die or disappear and all the time we understand the palpable fear that exists in the compound. The confusion and terror comes across through the author’s brilliant portrayal of Alex’s emotions.
The twists and turns towards the disturbing end of the tale keep you turning the pages. After one has read it you want to know more. It is a story that stays in your mind, unfortunately. It is a step beyond the kind of shoot ‘em up gangster/sci-fi/western etc games and the fictional stories often taken as YA genres in my opinion. It was unsettling and disturbing but very well written.
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