My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have looked forward to an opportunity to read The Road to Nyn since reading the sequel, The Ring of Carnac, as that was one of the best books in the children’s fantasy genre I had read in a long time. Fortunately I was not disappointed, even though there are strong similarities in parts to The Lord of the Rings. For me any mention of the “Dark Lord” is a reminder of Sauron and I had to erase those mental images when those words occurred within this intriguing and convoluted story. The rookie knight, Kay, and his companions are involved almost from the beginning in a trek to confront the Dark Lord about the terrible circumstances around the events that had happened to his village, including his family.
Along the journey the group of friends meet goblins, elves and mermaids in various situations of danger, horror and amazing magic. There are very many different adventures and characters, with twists and turns aplenty, for young (and older) fantasy fans to enjoy. The descriptions of serious incidents and amusing conversations presented to readers by Michaud are well done. The scenarios are interesting and the characters well drawn. This is a skilful writer who will without doubt attract many more fans of his own through this book. For me The Road to Nyn is a better book than its sequel though it was a close contest.
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
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